Saturday, October 10, 2009

Van die plaas af.

I missed a day of blogging yesterday. (It was bound to happen). I did however physically continue with the humiliation and one particular event is still fresh in my mind. So here goes...
Yesterday I decided to try another combination I always cringe at...wearing socks and slops together. (Nooooooooo!) It's against the law people! I don't care that it's look ridiculous! So, there I was in a respectable coffee shop in Green Point wearing an over sized shirt and my "plakkies en kouse". I did get "the look". It made me feel very uncomfortable and I felt like I was being disrespectful to the establishment.

I came accross an image consultancy website with the following information
How you see yourself plays a large role in determining how others see you, There are, however two sides to this mirror,. True, If we see ourselves as people of some value and worth, we will dress, walk and act the part.[Improved Self Image: Dress, Walk And Act The Part. Available from:]

Perhaps then it’s not the issue of how others see me, but rather how others might think I see myself that has scared me so much during this project. If I don't take myself seriously as a creative, why should anyone else?

1 comment:

  1. I'm trying to work out if I agree with the quote from Improved Self Image. As soon as I get home its on with the pyjama pants, but the feeling you have when you know you look good makes such a difference regardless of others' reactions. So is it all about us or are we just trying to not get caught out by the world around us?
